Designing Simple and Customer-Friendly Digital Services in Banking & Insurance

Every year, technology makes the world more complex for people to understand. So, easy-to-use digital services and applications are in particularly high demand. This is even more true for the financial services industry, since services such as banking, insurance are an important part of people’s lives. Moreover, there has always been a thought process in the financial services industry, specially banking to abide by the rule that ‘more is better.’ Unfortunately, this approach more often than not leads to development and implementation of services that are anything but customer friendly. Every year financial services providers lose billions of dollars in prospective loses owing to cases such as digital services being too complex for the customer, design of the services overwhelming the customer and also being unable to guide the customer through the set processes and more. All of these points towards a clear fact that financial services providers such as banks, insurance companies can get a huge advantage by delivering a perfect user experience based on a simple interface.

Simplicity Principles

It’s a commonly accepted fact that simplicity is inherent to our perception about the things around us and the world as a whole. Financial services providers should always remember and focus on this aspect while implementing digital services. To elaborate further, let’s have a look at some simplicity principles ideally suited for banks, insurance companies and the overall financial services industry.