5 Quick Benefits Of A CRM

Every business needs to evolve and adapt over time. With growing competition and customer requirements business dynamics have changed and one cannot rely on traditional tools, such as Excel & Outlook, for managing sales, marketing and support. CRM provides a strategy to consolidate customer information, maintain relation with customers, keep sales managers updated with the latest market and customer information, and helps businesses grow.A CRM is more of a necessity than luxury, which is why today companies are rushing to get on the CRM bandwagon.
CRM helps organizations to:

Retain customers

“Every contact we have with a customer influences whether or not they’ll come back. We have to be great every time or we’ll lose them.” – Kevin Stirtz.
The ultimate goal of any business is to retain its potential customers. At no point you would want to lose your customers who are giving you sales benefit. A personalized relationship with customer can go a long way in retention of the customer. A CRM helps you acquire customer complaints received through calls and emails, cataloging them in an appropriate category and work towards grievance redressal which leads to creation of strong customer experience and their retention for the company.

Keeping informed

Information that is complete, up-to-date and readily available enables you to respond immediately and appropriately to your clients. With the use of CRM you can keep track of client information, activities and transactions to provide efficient and quality service to them.

Follow-up and respond to clients

A CRM enables you to respond and follow-up with your clients on time. A mobile CRM helps sales people have a quick access to important information. CRM provides sales people with pricing information, account history and products recently purchased which helps them to plan and prepare for sales. The automatic follow-up reminder enables sales people to prepare for future course of action.

Automate lead generation

There has been a drastic change in business with the advent of social media sites. Messages generated from social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others have helped a great deal in lead generation. Through the use of CRM you can automate lead data captures through sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Ad Words Campaigns, etc. There is an automatic creation of leads into the system from the information entered by potential customers on such sites.

Helps making appropriate sales strategies

CRM allows sales people to track the relevant marketing data, such as, data about customer preferences, buying history and interactions with customers. CRM helps sales staff to know about the customer needs and make appropriate sales strategy to close potential customers.

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